Medal Count by Country and Temperature

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This bar chart represents the total number of Olympic medals won by each country, colored by the average home temperature. It provides insights into whether a country's climate has any correlation with its Olympic success. This graph we are able to see on the X axis all of the different countries who we have olympic data for. On the Y axis we have the amount of medals that the country has won to see who the most dominant Countries are in the olympics. What this graph also does is the color of the bar for each country is based on the average temperature of that country, trying to help see if the temperature where the athletes are born affect their performance.

Average Home Temperature of Olympic Countries

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This bar chart represents each country's average home temperature, providing a visual comparison of the climatic conditions athletes come from. For this graph on the X axis we once again have all of the countries who we have olympic data for, but on the Y axis we have the temperature of that country where the color of the bar is correlated to that same home temperature.

Country Participation by Sport

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This treemap displays the participation of each country in different Olympic sports. The size of each segment is proportional to the number of athletes from that country participating in a particular sport. This is a really interesting interactive visualization. In this graph the size of the block for a given country is based on the amount of medals that the country has. Within the box of the country we have smaller boxes which represent different sports in the olympics and the size of the smaller box is correlated to the amount of medals have been won in the given sport.

Example Code for Country

Athlete Sex Age Height Weight COUNTRY City Temperature Diff Medal
Dijang M 24 180 80 China Barcelona 3.7 No
Bai M 21 184 83 China Barcelona 3.7 No
Zhong M 23 188 110 China Barcelona 3.7 Yes
Yanshu M 28 169 79 China Barcelona 3.7 No